
Born in Mungyung city, Korea
Completion School of art education Dong-Kuk, Univ. Seoul

Cet artiste Coréen, allie dans son Art, une grande poésie de la perception, à une grande modestie de l’expression. Il utilise pour son ouvrage des pigments naturels, des terres, de la matière ; qui donnent à ses réalisations force et profondeur; mais aussi une grande tendresse expressive.

Lim Moo-Sang est un contemplatif. Dans sa démarche, pas de violence, pas de cris, pas de revendication picturale ou créative; Non Lim Moo-Sang observe, ressent, s’émeut; puis avec une grande modestie de traits, rend sur ses toiles la magie bouleversante de la Nature. La principale qualité de Lim Moo-Sang, c’est d’aimer, simplement, son pays, ses montagnes, ses cieux. Sa principale prétention est d’approcher le mystère de la vie, de ce qui nous entoure.

Il essaie, par ses œuvres, de nous amener sur un chemin de contemplation et de respect, en toute sérénité. Ses œuvres sont une invitation à aimer, simplement, la Nature ; et à se réjouir, en permanence, de son spectacle.


Solo Exhibition

2013 The mountain’s with moonlight (Wonju, Gallery NA DA)
2012 Humn to the Curvilinear Beauty Mungyung, Museum of old Roads)
2011 The canons of painting to the Curvilinear Beauty (KoROAD Gallery)
2011 Humn to the Curvilinear Beauty (KEPCO Art Center Plaza Gallery)
2009 New Geumgang Mountain (Gaga Gallery)
2008 Geumgang Mountain (Chosun ilbo Art Museum, Miral Art Museum)
2005 Curve amusements (Miral Art Museum)
2004 Rhin-The Curvilinear Common sosiety Beauty (Seoul Art Center Art Museum) 2002 Rhin-The Curvilinear Common sosiety Beauty (Gongpyeong Art Cent)
2000 Rhin-The Curvilinear Common sosiety Beauty (World Art Center)
1999 Rhin-One’s home town story Exhibition (Seoul Trade Exhibition Hall)
1998 Rhin-One’s home town story Exhibition (Dongduk Art Gallery)
1995 One’s home town sentiment (Sofitel Ambassador)
1994 One’s native Place Poetic sentiment (Seoul Gallery)
1991 One’s home town sentient warm (Lotte Gallery)

Group Exhibition & International Exhibition

Selected in Jungang Art Great Exhibition, Korean Art Great Exhibition
Korean Art Association Exhibition (National Modern Art Museum
Korean Professional of Artists Association Exhibition (Seoul city Art Museum)
The Exhibition of Ci-Ol member (Miral Art Museum, Seongnam Art cent)
The Greet work Exhibition of Korean Fine arts (Seoul Art cent)
The Exhibition of Literati Spirit & Modern Painting (Seoul City Art Museum)
Invitation Exhibition of 21 Century Korean Painting Artists (Sungkyunkwan Univ. Museum) The Beauty of Korean Exhibition (Chosun IL bo Art Museum)
Chungdam Art Fair (Chosun Gallery)
New York Exhibition of Korea Modern Art (New York, Noho Gallery / U,S,A)
The Globalization Exhibition of Korea (New York, LA Korea Cultural Center/U,S,A)
Point 17 Paris Exhibition (Paris, Galerie Christin Colas / France)
Year 2000 Reasons to Love the Earth (The Millenium Art Gallery / Netherlands)
Farben aus Fernost (Wiesbaden, Galerie Forum / Germany)
4 individualities from Korea (Tokyo, Gallery Art Point / Japan)
The Modern Art Festival of Insadong (Insa Art center)
Art international Zurich 2007 ( Zurich, Kongresshaus Zurich / Switzerland)
Exposition Franco-Japonais De Beaux Arts Contemporains 2007 (Tokyo Art Museum / Japan) ICP International Culture Plus Tokoy Exhibition (Tokyo Art Hall / Japan)
China Korea Modern Art Fair (798 Art Center 706 Hall, Baijing / China)
The Opening Commemoration Invitation Exhibition (CNB Gallery)
ICA international Contemporary Arts Exhibition Association (Cheongju Art center)
YeoSu international Art Festival (JeonNam Univ, Gukdong Gallery)
Art DeagGu (EXCO, DeaGu)
(Paris, Grande Palais Des Chams-Elysee)-DELEGATION COREENNE-

Award & Experience

Jungang Art Great Exhibitioon, Korean Art Great Exhibition Served as Director of Seoul Fine Art Association
Served as Vice President of Korea professonal Artists Association Served as Judgment of Korean Art Great Exhibition


Advlsor of Korea Fine Art assoclation, Advisor of Korea professonal Art Association