Macro Crystallization Part III: Going Back in Time to Look at Ceramics

Macro crystalline glazes are most likely not a Japanese invention. They first started to appear on the scene in Europe during the 1850s. They pose some of the most difficult challenges that a potter could face. This challenge might be why they’ve caught on among so many Japanese yakimono artists.

Combining porcelain and crystal glazes […]

Exploring Oribe Yakimono Ware Part III: Collectors and Kuro Oribe

Oribe yaki is still extremely popular today, and most people consider it to be a classic type of Japanese art. People don’t really find much other art in other countries that has been influenced by the Oribe movement. That makes it rather unique in the world.

Collectors consider formulaic brown on green glazing patterns to […]

Exploring Oribe Yakimono Ware Part II: Historical Modernism

While the phrase historical modernism might sound pretty ridiculous, it actually makes a lot of sense when one considers Oribe Yaki. Furuta Shigenari was quite an innovator when he created the first yakimono pieces in his own unique style. Many of these pieces look quite modern by today’s standards.

Oribe himself was never actually a […]

Macro Crystallization Part II: Advances in Cements Made Better Ceramics

Artists with a hardcore interest in chemistry have picked apart the macro crystallization process, and come up with a number of various chemical formula designed to help artists produce the best pieces possible. That being said, most of these studies took place outside of Japan. That means that they weren’t nearly as focused on […]

Seto Ware Took a Journey When it Wasn’t Safe to be a Potter

As the name might suggest Seto yakimono ware originally came from the village of Seto. One of the Six Ancient Kilns was located in Seto. Since it was such an important part of ceramics history, the village actually lends its name to the generic Japanese word for pottery.

Numerous Japanese speakers use the term setomono […]

The Rather Rich History of Multihued Oribe Yakimono Ware

The name of Oribe Yaki is rather unique. It’s actually named after a single individual. Furuta Shigenari (1544-1615) was a warrior who once served Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Oda Nobunaga. He became the foremost tea master when his teacher Sen no Rikyu perished.

Furuta taught the ceremony to the shogun Tokugawa Hidetada and gained the honorific […]
